Do you wake up with back pain? SI (sacroiliac) joint pain? Do you have tight hips, neck or shoulders? Bulging or degeneration of spinal disks? Have overuse or recurring injury with attendant pain?
- Is Ibuprofen (or NSAIDS) part of your daily diet?
- Do you describe yourself inflexible or stiff, and someone who could never do yoga!
- Have you tried yoga, got injured and won't go back?
If you said yes! to any of these things, we’ve designed this Country Living with you in mind; woman or man, come learn about a therapeutic yoga that may well offer the possibility of relief!
What to bring:
- A yoga mat (if you don’t have one there will be a half dozen extra)
- A yoga strap, or a long belt or two. (if you don't have either, there will be a half dozen extra available)
- Dress comfortably, and RSVP your space!
For more info call Tarini @ 360-296-1927
Tarini Bauliya, a Lummi Island resident, spent two years with debilitating back pain. Having tried PT and listened to doctors whose solution were far harsher, she turned to her love of yoga for help. She got on her mat, and applied common sense, using only those postures that gave her relief and eliminated all that caused her more pain. No pain was her motto! Slowly, with consistency of practice, this common sense yoga gave her mobility and with that the determination to deepen her understanding of yoga's rich history of wellbeing. She became a certified instructor through Integrative Yoga Therapy. “IYT is not a yoga of poses for a Cirque du Soleil acrobat, but a process of empowering an individual to progress toward their optimum health through applying common sense—intrinsic wisdom—and self-study in the laboratory of our own body, which is at the heart of the yoga tradition.”
In this class Tarini will help you identify misaligned postural habits, learn about your fascia, and focus on simple postures that you can do as you are now, pain or no pain, at home, or in your car on the ferry, so you discover for yourself what therapeutic effects yoga may have in in store for your body.